

  • 张志清
    性别 : 所属部门 : 现代光学研究所
    职称 : 副教授 学历 : 博士
    行政职务 : 所学专业 : 生物物理、光学、数学
    办公电话 :
    邮箱 : zhiqing.andy_zhang@nankai.edu.cn
    研究方向 : 非线性光学显微成像,单分子荧光成像,显微镜图像处理,神经疾病机理,细胞内运输过程






2017年毕业于荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)物理学院和阿姆斯特丹医学中心(Amsterdam UMC- VUmc),获博士学位;


2020年-2022年在比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)医学院,进行神经科学方向的博士后研究;


主要从事生物医学相关的光学成像研究工作。主要研究方向包括非线性光学显微成像、癌症成像、运动神经元疾病成像、单分子显微成像、纤毛内运输成像以及显微镜图像处理等。以第一作者/通讯作者在PNAS、Advanced Science、Bioinformatics以及Journal of Biophotonics等期刊发表系列论文,并多次在相关国际会议上进行口头报告。



(1) 威斯尼斯人60555百名青年学科带头人培养计划 2023-01 至 2027-12 主持。

(2) 应用光学国家重点实验室开放基金 2022-07至 2024-06 主持。

(3) 欧盟ERC FET项目, 824070, Connecting neural networks: Nervous-system-on-Chip Technology, 2020-08 至 2021-09, 600万欧元, 参与。

(4) 欧盟ERC Advanced项目, 788363, How intraflagellar transport shapes the cilium: a single-molecule systems study, 2019-01 至 2020-06, 250万欧元, 参与。

(5) 荷兰NWO Applied and Engineering Sciences项目, 15825, InstantPatholoy, 2018-01 至 2018-12, 55万欧元, 参与。


1. Zequn Sun, Chunning Meng, Tao Huang, Zhiqing Zhang, Shengjiang Chang, Marine ship instance segmentation by deep neural networks using a global and local attention (GALA) mechanism, PLoS ONE(IF: 3.24, 共同通讯作者), 2023, 18(2): e0279248.

2. Zequn Sun, Chunning Meng, Jierong Cheng, Zhiqing Zhang, Shengjiang Chang, A Multi-Scale Feature Pyramid Network for Detection and Instance Segmentation of Marine Ships in SAR Images, Remote Sensing (IF: 5.349, 通讯作者), 2022, 14(24): 6312.

3. Zhiqing Zhang; Noémie Danné; Bonno Meddens; Iddo Heller; Erwin J G Peterman ; Direct imaging of intraflagellar-transport turnarounds reveals that motors detach, diffuse, and reattach to opposite-direction trains, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS, IF:11.205, 第一作者), 2021, 118(45): e2115089118.

4. Youcef Kazwiny; João Pedrosa; Zhiqing Zhang; Werend Boesmans; Jan D’hooge; Pieter Vanden Berghe; Extracting neuronal activity signals from microscopy recordings of contractile tissue using B-spline Explicit Active Surfaces (BEAS) cell tracking, Scientific Reports, 2021, 11: 10937.

5. Jona Mijalkovic; Jules Girard; Jaap van Krugten; Jasmijn van Loo; Zhiqing Zhang; Elizaveta Loseva; Felix Oswald; Erwin J.G.Peterman ; Cutting off ciliary protein import: Intraflagellar transport after dendritic femtosecond-laser ablation, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2020, 31(5): 324-334.

6. Zhiqing Zhang; Jan C.de Munck; Niels Verburg; Annemieke J.Rozemuller; Willem Vreuls; Pinar Cakmak; Laura M.G.van Huizen; Sander Idema; Eleonora Aronica; Philip C.de Witt Hamer; Pieter Wesseling; Marie Louise Groot ; Quantitative Third Harmonic Generation Microscopy for Assessment of Glioma in Human Brain Tissue, Advanced Science (IF: 16.806, 第一作者), 2019, 6(11): 1900163.

7. Zhiqing Zhang*; Marie L. Groot; Jan C.de Munck; Tensor regularized total variation for denoising of third harmonic generation images of brain tumors, Journal of Biophotonics (IF: 3.207, 第一作者), 2019, 12(1): e201800129.

8. Zhiqing Zhang*; Nikolay V.Kuzmin; Marie Louise Groot; Jan C.de Munck ; Quantitative comparison of 3D third harmonic generation and fluorescence microscopy images, Journal of Biophotonics (IF: 3.207, 第一作者), 2018, 11(1): e201600256.

9. Zhiqing Zhang*; Nikolay V.Kuzmin; Marie Louise Groot; Jan C.de Munck; Extracting morphologies from third harmonic generation images of structurally normal human brain tissue, Bioinformatics (IF: 6.973, 第一作者), 2017, 33(11): 1712-1720.

10. Zhiqing Zhang*; Marie Louise Groot; Jan C. de Munck; Tensor Regularized Total Variation for Third Harmonic Generation Brain Images, The joint conferences of European Medical and Biological Engineering and Nordic-Baltic Biomedical Engineering 2017 (EMBEC & NBC 2017会议论文, EI, 第一作者), Tampere, Finland, 2017-6-11至2017-6-15.

11. Zhiqing Zhang; Third harmonic generation microscopy: Towards automatic diagnosis of brain tumors, VU Amsterdam & VUMC, 2017 (博士论文专著).




Advanced Science, Journal of Biophotonics, Biomedical Optics Express, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Advanced Intelligent Systems, Advanced Theory and Simulations等期刊审稿人。