

  • 宋丽培
    性别 : 所属部门 : 现代光学研究所
    职称 : 副教授 学历 : 博士
    行政职务 : 所学专业 : 光学工程
    办公电话 :
    邮箱 : gm_imo@nankai.edu.cn
    研究方向 : 生物医学光子学成像,激光散斑血液循环系统成像,透过散射介质成像,光纤束及单光纤高分辨率成像


· 本科:天津大学,精密仪器与光电子信息工程学院

· 硕士:威斯尼斯人60555--现代光学研究所

· 博士:伦敦帝国学院 / 帝国理工Imperial College London, UK)



1. 天津市自然科学基金重点项目,“快速高分辨率的光纤柔性内窥镜”,10万,起止时间:2022.10-2025.9

2. 横向项目,145万,起止时间:2022.3-2023.2

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“适用于弯曲受限空间血流成像的激光散斑对比度成像技术的研究”,27万,起止时间:2017.1-2019.12

4. 国家重点实验室项目,“基于光纤束的激光散斑对比度成像技术的研究”, 起止时间:2017.1-2018.12

5. 横向项目,15万,起止时间:2017.10-2018.4

6. 横向项目“细颗粒物高精度探测多载荷全链路正演研究”,30万,起止时间:2015-2016  (第二负责人)

7. 国家重点实验室项目,“多波长照明下激光散斑对比度与速度的量化分析及医学应用基础研究”, 起止时间:2013.1-2014.7


1. 科技部-国家重点研发计划,“基于光丝激光雷达的大气污染多组分监测技术研究”, 起止时间:2018.5-2022.4

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目.“基于光场成像技术的超分辨信息获取与重建”,起止时间:2015-2018

3. 科学院重点项目,“自由曲面特征表征函数与建模研究",起止时间:2013-2015

4. 国家自然科学基金项目,“基于偶氮聚合物光场吸收调制的超分辨微加工技术基础研究”,起止时间:2012-2014


1. “国家级大学生创新创业训练计划”--利用激光散斑分析技术检测鸡蛋新鲜度的研究,起止时间:2017.4-2019.3

2. 威斯尼斯人60555本科生创新科研“百项工程”,起止时间:2023-2025



1. Jiang Zhixiang, Zhao Xing, Wen Ya, Peng Qiang, Li Da, Song Lipei*, Block-based compressed sensing for fast optic fiber bundle imaging with high spatial resolution, Optics Express, 2023. 31(11): p. 17235-17249

2. Cesar Arturo Hernandez-Alvarez,1* , Lipei Song2, Yufei Wang1, Teresa Alonso-Rasgado1, Lei Su1, Tuning parameters of phase retrieval algorithm for single-shot imaging based on object-modulated speckles by particle swarm optimization, Optics & Laser Technology 159 (2023) 109004

3. Jiasheng Yao, Zhixiang Jiang, Xuekun Lv, Qiang Peng, Xing Zhao, Lipei Song*, Adaptive Fourier single-pixel imaging based on directional energy continuity in high frequencies, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 162 (2023) 107406

4. Gangshuo Liu, Chao Yan, Dengfeng Kuang,*, Lipei Song,*, Broadband optical absorption and photothermal properties of partially disordered MoSe2 nanospheres, Materials Chemistry and Physics 293 (2023) 126948

5. Gangshuo Liu, Dengfeng Kuang,*, Lipei Song,*, Can Xu, Chao Yan”a Mechanism in damage variation of nanosecond laser-induced damage of germanium sheets in vacuum”, Optics & Laser Technology 157 (2023) 108663

6. Gangshuo Liu, Zengxin Huang, Chao Yan, Shanshan Li, Can Xu, Lipei Song*, Dengfeng Kuang*, Insights into the generation of laser-induced assembly of MoSe2 nanospheres, Nano Research, 15(7),6686-6694, 9 (2022)

7. 李小凯,宋丽培*,刘伟伟,“钽铌酸钾晶体的电控偏转色散特性”,《光学学报》,408),(2020

8. Ru Zhang, Lipei Song,”Laser speckle imaging for blood flow based on pixel resolved zero-padding auto-correlation coefficient distribution”, Optics Communications 439 (2019)

9. Lipei Song, Xueyan Wang, Ru Zhang, Kuanshou Zhang, Zhen Zhou, and Daniel S Elson, “Improving temporal resolution and speed sensitivity of laser speckle contrast analysis imaging based on noise reduction with an anisotropic diffusion filter” , Journal of Optics 20 (7), (2018)

10. 安晓英,张茹,宋丽培*,武鹏飞,“超短曝光时间下激光散斑对比度速度分析”,光学学报,384),(2018)(2018年第4期《光学学报》“优秀论文”)

11. 梁子, 安晓英, 张茹, 宋丽培*, 朱松河, 武鹏飞, "基于散斑照明和全息的穿透散射介质成像," 光学学报 378, 811002-811001 (2017) 142-149(2017年第 8 期的《光学学报》“优秀论文”)

12. S. Xi, X. Wang, L. Song, Z. Zhu, B.Zhu, S. Huang, N. Yu, and H. Wang, "Experimental study on optical imageencryption with asymmetric double random phase and computer-generatedhologram," Optics Express 25, 8212-8222 (2017)

13. P. Wu, Z. Liang, X. Zhao, L. Su, and L. Song*, "Lensless wide-field single-shot imaging through turbid media based on object-modulated speckles," Applied Optics 56(12), 3335-3341 (2017) (SCI 收录, IF 1.598)

14. Lipei Song, Zhen Zhou, Xueyan Wang, Xing Zhao, and Daniel S. Elson*, Simulation of speckle patterns with pre-defined correlation distributions, Biomedical optics express 7(3),798-809, 2016

15. Juan Zhang, Liqiu Zhou, Xiaoxue Jiao,Lei Zhang, Lipei Song, Bo Zhang,Yi Zheng, an Zhang, Xing Zhao, "Stistics-based reconstruction method with high random-error tolerance for integral imaging", Applied Optics 54(28), 176-180, (2015) (SCI 收录)

16. Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang*, Lipei Song, Shuai Huang, Shengjiang Chang, Lie Lin, "Asymmetric encryption method in 4f system based on interference", Journal of Modern Optics, 62(2), 104-109, (2014) (SCI 收录)

17. Sinan Li1, Yi Cheng1, Lipei Song2, R. J Eckersley3, D. S Elson2 and Meng-Xing Tang1*, "Tracking shear waves in turbid medium by light: theory, simulation, and experiment", Optics Letters 39(6), 1597-1600 (2014) (SCI 收录, IF 3.385)

18. L. Song and D. S. Elson*, "Effect of signal intensity and camera quantization on laser speckle contrast analysis", Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 4 Issue 1, pp.89-104, 2013 (SCI 收录, IF 3.648)


1. Jing Hou, Renjian Li, Weiming Sun, Xuekun Lv, Lipei Song*, Lingling Chen,Laser speckle correlation imaging with optical clearance for blood flows, SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, 2019, 20-23 Oct, Hangzhou, China

2. Ru Zhang, Jingru Wang, Lipei Song*Image reconstruction of few-mode fiber based on neural network SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, 11-13 Oct, 2018Beijing

3. Liang Deng, Chen Liu, Lipei Song, Joseph YanLei Su, “Design of Single-Shot Multimode Fiber Based Endoscope”CLEO: Applications and Technology5–10 June 2016, San Jose, California

4. M. Tziraki, Lipei Song *, D. S. Elson, "An endoscopic multi-exposure laser speckle contrast analysis system for blood flow and microcirculation measurements", Proc. SPIE 9327, SPIE Bios 2015, Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics II, (2015) (SCI 收录) 2015/2/6-2015/2/12, San Francisco, California, United States

5. L. Song*, Y. Cheng, R. Li, M.-X. Tang, and D. S. Elson, "Imaging the ultrasound field and shear wave propagation using acousto-optic laser speckle contrast analysis (AO-LASCA)," BIOS, SPIE Photonics West (SPIE, 2012), 21-26 January ,2012 (SCI 收录)

6. L. Song*, and D. S. Elson, "Dual-wavelength endoscopic laser speckle contrast imaging system for indicating tissue blood flow and oxygenation," BIOS, SPIE Photonics West (SPIE, 2012), 2012 (SCI 收录)

7. L. Song, and D. Elson, "Endoscopic laser speckle contrast imaging system using a fibre image guide," BIOS, SPIE Photonics West (SPIE, 2011), 2011 (SCI 收录)

8. S. Lipei, and D. S. Elson, "Multi-exposure speckle imaging using phantoms for blood flow and tissue perfusion," in Lasers & Electro Optics & The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2009. CLEO/PACIFIC RIM '09 , pp. 1-2, 2009 (SCI 收录)


1. Lipei Song*, Daniel Elson, Xueyan Wang, Zhen Zhou*, "Laser speckle contrast analysis for measuring tissue perfusion", S8 Biophotonics, IEEE Optoelectronic Global Conference, Shen Zhen, 25-31 August, 2015


数字图像处理(Matlab),光学数值计算技术,光学测试技术,大学计算机基础,Introduction to Computer Science